>Will, I don't think anybody's saying this is a bad idea, and I was
>more'n glad to help out. I think it's a great idea and when it's in a
>stable version I think you should put it up on cflib.org to be used by
>the community...

Definitely. If it's worthwile for people to use, I'll put it wherever they'd 
Preeesh on the help! 

 That's why
>I recommended using a comparison via one loop over the library rather
>than a word-by-word loop over the entire field and then subloops over
>the various word categories...

Gotcha! I've just figured it didn't matter too much because there will not be a 
massive amount of words in the list to ban. And another thing I didn't think 
would be hurtful was massive amounts of text to search. Figured this would 
primarily be a tool for forum textareas, small inputs. Doubt it would come in 
handy for anything more than that. 

>But it's a work in progress and a learning tool for you, and I REALLY
>recommend you stick with it and gain all the understanding you can
>from it. And pester Isaac about regexes... he needs the practice! :P

Yes I've learned a ton from workin on this. And it's been fun as hell! oops! Is 
that in the list? Have no clue on regexes, other than what hear on the list. 

>Anyway... it seems to nicely catch any word tossed into the
>dictionary. I would be interested to know how long it takes to test a
>2000 word document with a reasonably populated dirty-word
>dictionary... there's your next assignment, Jedi Novice Tomlinson. ;)

Thanks much Jared! 

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