If you are not doing cflocks *everywhere* you need to on CF5 then going to a 
faster machine will be more unstable than the same code on a slow machine. I 
haven't seen hyperthreading cause issues with CF before, for whatever that's 

-----Original Message-----
From: stephen poff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF5 and Hyperthreading

Recently moved CF5 and IIS5 to a new windows2000 server. this new server has a 
single 3.2GHz Xeon processor with Hyperthreading turned on and 2GB of RAM. 
Since the move we have experienced cfserver.exe unexpectedly terminating. The 
latest being today. Based upon event id 4097 i went to www.eventid.net and 
found that is a memory access violation occured. Could this be related to the 
hyperthreading? or to cflocks and memory?? or both??

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