In a relationship model like this, you can track history by assigning a time 
span for the relationship.  For example, you would modify your 
Employee_Positions table to contain from and to date fields:


You could then find the current position like this:
SELECT   Employee_ID,
FROM       Employee_Positions
WHERE     getDate() BETWEEN fromDate AND isNull(toDate,getDate())


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:49 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Database Normalization Question
> What happens you you have the same employee, but has been moved to a new
> position and you still need to keep the history?
> For example, last year I was a grunt.  This year, I am a slave.  How
> would you track that? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:09 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Database Normalization Question
> Greetings, all...
> Instead of two tables like this:
> Positions (Yes, I like plural table names :o)
>    Position_ID (Primary Key)
>    Position_Title
>    Position_Description
>    etc
> Employees
>    Employee_ID (Primary Key)
>    Position_ID (Relational Key)
>    Employee_FirstName
>    Employee_LastName
>    etc
> I've seen many use examples of three tables, a third table which seems
> to be the way of creating relationships between tables.
> I just typically do it with two tables and what I always thought of as a
> "Foreign Key", which may not be the accurate term anyway.  Here's a
> probably poor example of the three table scheme I've seen:
> Positions
>    Position_ID (Primary Key)
>    Position_Title
>    Position_Description
>    etc
> Employees
>    Employee_ID (Primary Key)
>    Employee_FirstName
>    Employee_LastName
>    etc
> Employee_Positions
>    Employee_ID
>    Position_ID
> It seems like the third table is used to tie the Positions table and
> Employees table together, but I don't see the benefit of creating that
> third table when I can just put the Position_ID in the Employees
> Table...
> This may be a poor example of what I'm talking about.  I can't think of
> an exact example I've seen, but those of you who do this will know,
> probably, what I've referring to.  I thought I've been doing correct
> normalization.
> Using the third table seems to cause the use of repeated data and more
> tables than the first why is it done?  What am I missing in
> my database design, which, of course, would determine how I have to code
> in CF and SQL...
> Rick

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