Flash paper is lightwieght and fast loading. Its very nice for
presenting unsecure information on the web. I would not be suprised if
both survive...after reading most of the PDF they are dissimular
enough for both products to have a place in Adobe.

Adam H

On 4/18/05, Micha Schopman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I personally would not care much about Flash paper either. PDF has much
> more potential when you look at forms, security, workflow, portability,
> notes, and the open format. A bit harsh, but I think Macromedia should
> not have tried to reinvent the wheel with Flash paper while PDF was
> increasing their market share at a high rate. If I missed something with
> Flash paper, please tell.
> Too bad for the Flash paper team if the product gets the bin treatment,
> but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for improving the rest of the
> company. Those decisions are not easy to make, but that is where
> managers are for.
> Micha Schopman
> Project Manager
> Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
> Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
> KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo

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