I'm trying to update some error reporting on a site I did awhile ago.
It's a fairly messy site, and I eventually plan on refactoring the
whole thing, but for now I just want to get more concise error
reporting. Right now, I have one particular block that is puzzling me.
I have a cftry/cfcatch block with a call to an external payment
gateway (via cfhttp) that has a bad habit of timing out. In the
cfcatch block I have it email me with a dump of #cfcatch#. Now, we
ALSO added an error page in Application.cfm that will email me with
#error# and a few other variables. I am not getting the #cfcatch#
email, and when the transaction times out, the email I get says that
it was cfmail who timed out (but how did I get the email if cfmail
timed out?!)

Should I just get rid of the try/catch block? Should I use cfthrow or
cfrethrow in the catch block to send the error up to the main error
page? I've never really "gotten" cfrethrow, and I'm fairly sure I'm on
the wrong track here, so any insight would be appreciated. :)

- Ken

It's a metaphor for life itself. For that matter, everything in life
is a metaphor for life. Except life. Life is probably a metaphor for
metaphor. -- James Lileks

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