But I don't think it's a proper perspective to look at the $10
as paying for "ad free support"...it's more for the value
of what you glean from participation, directly or indirectly.

If this list didn't exist, and a group of qualified "experts"
put up a site to be at my "beck-and-call" 24/7, I'd gladly
pay $10 per month for that support.  Why not just
pay to participate in the list...ads or not?

Don't you pay for any other "support", like web hosting,
for-pay product support calls, books, seminars, etc.
No on complains when they have to pay for that...( or
perhaps a few...)  Providing web-hosting amounts to
about the same thing as running this list...just keep the
hardware and software running...the only difference is that
Michael doesn't send out invoices...or charge a credit card.

Very generous, Michael...


 From: Mary Jo Sminkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:10 PM
To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Subject: Re: wtf are those advertizing links in the text? 

>> If this list went to a monthly/yearly subscription you can
>> expect a severe drop in subscribers.

I believe the suggestion was to have it be an optional subscription, if you 
don't want the links. I think that's a reasonable compromise, although $10 a 
month seems pretty high to me just to not have ads. 

Mary Jo Sminkey

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