Txt = REReplaceNoCase(cfhttp.filecontent,'.*<td style="width:640px;"
valign="top" class="hafas">(.*)<td style="width:150px;" valign="top"

This should do it. Not tested. Watch out for wrap in email.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: oscar dim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 21 April 2005 11:00
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Extracting Data From a Webpage Using RegEx
> Hello
> I do need to extract some data off of certain page. I do this with
> The variable returned as string object is:
> Page = CFHTTP.FileContent
> As mentioned in another thread but unfortunatelly not very easy to get
> working for my specific needs I think I'll have to use a regular
> expression to extract the values that I am after, this is the part
> I'm not sure about at all.
> All I have is the unique starting html tag '<td style="width:640px;"
> valign="top" class="hafas">' and ending html tag '<td
> valign="top" class="posInformationen">', too. All text and html
> these two literals must be found, I need to
> extract ALL between these two tags...
> I'm really not sure at all on how to get started on this, so any help
> would be appreciated.
> Regards. Oscar

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