It's not like I haven't done this before, in various ways, but I might as
well ask as long as I'm rethinking life...

Say you have the very normal situation with search screen leading to a list
of records, drill in to edit or create one. Where do you take the user when
they save an edited record?

- Back to the record list, with their previous search criteria still in
place? That seems most intuitive, but it means hanging on to those search
criteria while editing, which is potentially a multiple-screen wizard-like
thing. Not impossible by any means, but an architectural commitment, if
you're thinking generically.

- Another way to manage a similar net effect would be to open the edit
screen in a new window, and have it close and refresh the list window when
done. That's what I've often done, but some users find the new window thing
confusing, particularly if it comes up maximized and they don't even realize
it's a new window.

- Back to the search screen? Kind of annoying if it didn't remember their
search criteria, so see above.

- Back to the record list, but with only that one record showing? Not
particularly functional.

Other ideas?

Dave Merrill

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