On Thursday 05 May 2005 10:53, Bryan Stevenson wrote:
> LMAO...I was waiting for this one...umm Richard...it's because MySQL no
> matter what anybody says is not an enterprise level DB
> (yet)....refrerential integrity comes to mind ;-);-)

Heh.  Well, note that I didn't go into *why* it boggled my mind (in the first 
draft of my e-mail, I did, but then decided to go ahead and delete that 

Personally, even for the biggest sites I've run, I've never needed a 
full-fledged enterprise level database.  If I did, though, I'd probably go 
with Oracle or some other vendor, if only because we're a Linux shop and I'd 
prefer to avoid a multiplicity of platforms.  Of course, Oracle has its own 
issues; among them, the corporation is run by a madman bent on world 
domination, who makes Hank Scorpio look like a smalltime crook.

Hm, one organization that I interact with which has enterprise scale database 
needs uses PostGreSQL, another FLOSS product; however, I'm not sure if that 
one is available for 'doze.

Richard S. Crawford

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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