If you're using Windows then you can use iMS-Lite for this:


You can also use iMS-Lite to send mail directly w/o needing an external email 


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. - www.CoolFusion.com
inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Award-winning, Intelligent Mail Server
PrismAV - Virus scanning for ColdFusion and BlueDragon applications
Find out how iMS Stacks up to the competition: 
iMS-Lite - the completely free mail server solution for applications and 
application servers

--- On Friday, May 06, 2005 7:26 AM, Cliff Meyers scribed: ---
> Username/password authentication for CFMAIL was introduced in CFMX
> 6.1.  Unfortunately it is not available in previous versions.  I know
> that some people had written Java or C++ custom tags meant to serve as
> a replacement for CFMAIL, but they might be hard to come by now that
> CFMAIL is so much improved.
> -Cliff
> On 5/6/05, Eric Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a coldfusion v4.5.2 server, and it doesn't seem like cfmail
>> supports username/password authenticated SMTP.
>> Has anyone else encountered this?
>> Eric

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