On 5/11/05, Roger B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven: How dark do you want to go? :D 'Cause JournURL makes for a
> pretty spiffy podcasting platform... when you attach an MP3, the
> system automatically extracts your ID3 data and saves it along with
> the post. You can then output that data in any of your blog's
> templates.
> NOTE: I was working (with input from Dave Winer) on an ID3 extension
> for RSS 2.0, but got sidetracked and haven't returned to the idea. The
> more you dig into ID3, the uglier it gets, and I just haven't been
> motivated to fiddle with it lately.
> Of course, some folks don't want a hosted environment, and
> Jake/Ray/etc. are definitely cheaper... I can give people free blogs,
> but I can't give 'em much in the way of free upload space, lest I trip
> over the shoestrings that hold my budget together.

Since Time and Cost are my masters, I'm all for free/inexpensive,
ready-built apps.  Thanks for the heads up on JournURL.  ID3
Integration would be sweet.  I recall working with a helliker class
several years ago.

Here's a code snippet from way back if anyone is interested and can
find the class:

<CFOBJECT type="JAVA" action="CREATE" name="MP3File"
<CFSET ret = MP3File.init("C:\MP3\test.mp3")>
Exists? #MP3File.id3v1Exists()#<BR>
Is MP3? #MP3File.isMP3()#<BR>
File Size? <CFSET sizeMB = Round(((MP3File.getFileSize()/
1024)/1024))>#sizeMB# MB<BR>
File Name? #MP3File.getFileName()#<BR>
Play Time? #MP3File.getPlayingTimeString()#<BR>
Bitrate? #MP3File.getBitRate()#<BR>

A search for helliker turns up this sourceforge MP3/ID3 project:

Steven Erat

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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