On Tuesday 24 May 2005 06:54, S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
> <cfparam name="x" default="">
> instead of this:
> <cfparam name="form.x" default="">
> I'm still not entirely certain how that comes across as the question
> he asked, except perhaps that he's trying to scope his variables as
> say "variables.x" instead of "form.x" without first copying them down
> from the form scope into the variables scope, so the server produces
> an error when it doesn't see "variables.firstname" even though the
> firstname input element was a text input. I'm trying to remember if
> <cfparam name="x" default=""> inserts a value into the variables scope
> if there's a form field matching that variable name... It's been so
> long since I've used cfparam without scoping the name that I can't
> remember what the behavior is.

Sort of.  I don't want to have to include the cfparam line at all, though, 
since there are so many times when I won't know what parameters are going to 
be used in a page at the tim that I write it -- such as when a form has been 
dynamically generated and can contain different fields each time it is 
generated, based on user input or results from a database query.

Richard S. Crawford

Richard S. Crawford
Programmer III
UC Davis Extension Distance Education Group
2901 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95816

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