this worked well.  thank you very much

>No. Fields with the same name name return a comma-delimited list when more
>than 1 is checked. Also, a checkbox is not True or False, it is Undefined or
>Value (of value="#checkbox_value#).
>In your case, the hidden field should be present on forms with checkboxes
>and provide, as you surmised, a defualt value of 0.
>Use IsDefined('FORM.checkbox_name') in the UPDATE to determine whether to
>updaytre the field.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: daniel kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:44 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: inserting checkboxes into a db
>><input type="hidden" name="c1" value="0">
>>      <input type="checkbox" name="c1" value="a">
>>      <input type="checkbox" name="c1" value="b">
>So the hidden sets the default value, right?  Here's what I did.
>on the page:
><input type="hidden" name="#checkbox_name#" value="0">
><input name="#checkbox_name#" #checked# type="checkbox" id="#checkbox_name#"
>and on the UPDATE page, I left it as is:
><cfif structKeyExists(form,'mandate')>
>     <cfset session.mandate = form.mandate>
>mandate = <cfqueryparam value="#session.mandate#"
>So, whenever the checkbox exists, it'll either input this the checkbox value
>or it's hidden field, because the checkbox won't overwrite it.  right?
>oh, I just checked that and it sorta works.  If it's not checked, it works
>fine.  If it's checked, then it puts out 38352 in the value, rather than the
>1 it's supposed to be.  I suppose it's having problems with two fields being
>named the same.
>While I don't know if this is how you meant for me to implement it, it
>seemed intriguing.

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