On 7/5/05, Burns, John D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a dev copy of CF 7 running ....

> to it.  The strange thing (in my opinion) is that CF actually wouldn't
> start and the error that i saw in the logs was that it couldn't connect
> to the DB (because the desktop app was open and had a connection to the
> Access DB).  It doesn't seem to me that the inability to connect to the
> DB shouldn't be something that hangs the starting of the entire CF
> server. 

Please post the entries from a server.log showing the CF Server
startup sequence and any other related error messages that illlustrate
the point.

For example here's a part of mine up to the point where the SQL
"service" is started (where service refers to ColdFusion internals,
not a Windows Service):
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:40",,"Starting logging..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:40",,"Starting crypto..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:41",,"Starting license..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:41",,"Starting License
server ..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:44",,"Starting scheduler..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:44",,"Starting debugging..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:44",,"Starting sql..."
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:44",,"Pool Manager Started"
"Information","scheduler-10","06/16/05","15:43:44",,"Starting mail..."

Steven Erat

Logware (www.logware.us): a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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