> From: Andy Mcshane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Have you checked the values that are passed into the CFC before you use
them.? Just output them within the CFC to ensure that the expected
values are at least within the CFC.

You can avoid the use of cfif/cfelse tags and duplicate cfprocparam tags
by evaluating an expression within the null attribute of the
cfprocparam/cfqueryparam tags to determine whether or not NULL is sent
or the actual value of the variable. If the expression evaluates to Yes,
the value attribute of the tag is ignored. If the expression evaluates
to No then the value attribute is passed in.

The attribute dbvarname is no longer used in CFMX7, in fact it is
ignored. I guess if you are using it to keep the stored procedure
parameter names in check it can't hurt but I'd say if an attribute is no
longer supported, don't use it.

        null="#YesNoFormat(Len(Trim(arguments.FIXDATE) EQ 0)#"

Not sure if any of that helps, but it cleans things up a little. :-)

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