I am trying to figure out if we need to reorder our Active Directory
architecture or if I can get around what appears to be a problem at the
current time.

Lets say I have a DN as follows:

CN=Tangorre\, Michael, ou=developers, ou=users, ou=building, dc=xxx,

Is there a way to specify to do a wildcard in the ou portion that
contains the building? Right now I can only get the users by building
name but what I really want is ALL users. The following gives me the
Silver Spring users but I want to disregard the building. If I omit it
that part of the OU, no records come back, if I use * I get an error. 

        start="ou=users,ou=Silver Spring,dc=xxx,dc=yy">

Any idea?


Mike T.

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  • CFLDAP Tangorre, Michael

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