I download the JRE, install it, and add the following to the class path:
C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_08
I installed JRUN. Ran the updater. The default and admin servers are
running fine.
I ran the cfmx 6.1 installer and had the EAR file placed into c:\cfmx61\
I ran the cfmx 7.0 installer and had the EAR file placed into c:\cfmx70\
By the way, I am following directions from here:
Anyway, I open a command window and create a directory in c:\cfmx61\
called cfusion-ear
When I try to cd to that directory I get "Invalid Directory". I go into
Windows explorer and the directory is there!
Any ideas? I tried rebooting, tried starting over... nothing works. Am I
missing something here. Once I can navigate to that directory I will
expand the file out and continue on.... this just seems very odd. And
yes, I tried using quotes around the directory name, etc.

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