if you want to add data inline no need to write to disk.  I know this
is possible with images and swfs even I think, you know, for HTML
email.  I don't know if you can put a PDF inline though.


On 8/10/05, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> CFMail is just using JavaMail AFAIK.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Gombala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 August 2005 14:56
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFMAIL Attachments on the fly (not from a file)
> >If you're going to use the CFMAIL tag, you have to write attachments to
> disk.
> >There is no way around it, and I've tried MANY different ways to get around
> >it.  In the end, we had to end up using a hand rolled Java-based mail proxy
> >service.  Bye bye CFMAIL.  Let me reiterate your astonishment at finding
> out
> >that you can't attach data to an email without first writing it to disk.
> >When I discovered this limitation of CFMX, I was stunned (yes I do consider
> >it a limitation).
> >
> >> Jeff
> Steve,  Can you expand on this "hand rolled Java-based mail proxy service"?
> I am not limited to using the CFMAIL tag and actually would prefer to use
> some other type of service/tag/etc...
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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