On 8/11/05, Claude Schneegans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> or that because the Board of Directors wants to
> >>use Comic Sans in 96-pt Muave for their monthly report's page title that 
> you
> >>can't accomodate them because only a bad system would allow such a 
> thing...
> No, my point is that if the "Board of Directors wants to..", you (or they) 
> make a class
> meeting this demand available to users, you don't let them with just a 
> font
> selector and a color picker.

Which means I have to sell them a system I or someone else has to maintain 
for them if they want to invent a new rule, so to speak. The only time such 
a scheme would work is if a developer capable of editing the style sheet -- 
and appending the new styles into the editor were on staff, or if the cms 
included a style sheet creator/editor.

The former is problematic. I have to say though that the latter is not a 
half bad idea. When i have some time (yeah right... free time) I'll look 
into adding that into my cms when I upgrade to FCKEditor 2.0

Janitor, MSB Web Systems
mysecretbase.com <http://mysecretbase.com>

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