Don't pick on cf developers.
Eveyone else is the same, why do you think PHP has such a big community.
Altho what does suck, is that no-one gives anything away for FREE in CF.
Thus why we have millions of free PHP/ASP scripts and like 2 free cf
There is only 1 free cf forum I know of, and ALL cf forums free or not, are
crap compared to the PHP/ASP solutions.


-----Original Message-----
From: dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 August 2005 00:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Studio 8 announced

would you like it to come with your name etched in gold on the cd and the
box customized with your pic and have it hand delivered to your door and
only include the features you want in it. And if they did and you had to pay
more than a nickle for it you'd still bitch about it.

 It was funny the other night at our cfug we were talking about how frickin
cheap cfm developers are, whining and crying if they gotta spend more than a
buck for anything and its so true!!! Most of you are even too cheap to buy
one of Wills cfm shirts and show your support, I mean really, It's PATHETIC,
people be ashamed of yourselfs because this is what hurts our community. If
WIll made PHP or Flash or .crap shirts they'd be all bought up in a heart
beat. Lets be real you guys make good money but you act so broke, come
on!!!!!!!!! We figured in our our area (denver) that $45 an hour was fairly
low for cfm dev'r too make. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

 I may whine about ms but at least I spent money on it and therefore have a
reason but this crap with you guys bitching about stuff and it not being
free is really lame......

 " but now it costs too much money."
 So you make multi-million dollar apps but can't spend a couple of bucks on
something that helps you make a living???
 Or you cant take 5 minutes to download the plugins you want? btw~ doesnt
rob have a package download for cfm?
 Thats pathetic period!!!

~Dave the disruptor~
"A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient
capital to form a corporation." 

From: "Micha Schopman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:31 AM
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: RE: Studio 8 announced 

But does that zip contain a full IDE implementing the list I mentioned?
I haven't seen one yet. When someone stands up, and builds an installer
encapsulating this all you have a winner, but now it costs too much money.

Micha Schopman
Project Manager

Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL Amersfoort Tel 033-4535377, Fax
033-4535388 KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo

Modern Media, Making You Interact Smarter. Onze oplossingen verbeteren de
interactie met uw doelgroep. 
Wilt u meer omzet, lagere kosten of een beter service niveau? Voor meer
informatie zie
-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: dinsdag 9 augustus 2005 9:51
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Studio 8 announced

Installer? What can simpler than downloading a zip - unzip it, copy it to a
folder and click on Eclipse.exe - no reg keys, not added bloat.

-----Original Message-----
From: Micha Schopman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 August 2005 20:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Studio 8 announced

The lack of a descent one in all installer is currently holding back
Eclipse. People don't have the time to go through the entire process, of
downloading Eclipse, downloading the Web toolkit, downloading the
prequisites of that toolkit, downloading CFEclipse, etc. 

If they managed to put this all into one package, so that you get easily
started with an Eclipse installation where you can edit
xml,xsl,javascript,(x)html,css,cfml,php without going to that proces.
maybe it is there already, and I just did not searched good enough ;)

As far as DW 8 concerned. For me personally the real good feature is code
collapse, but I hope they didn't took the CFStudio/Homesite codebase for
this functionality, because everybody who used it in those old products,
knows that when you collapsed a large amount of code, scrolling the document
was a pain in the ass. So at least I hope that they did look at this

I like the enhanced compliance tests showed in the demo on the MM site, but
for some reason I hope for more. Like that they
- fixed the numerous issues involved with the treeview in DWMX
- crashes when searching through folders with find & replace (and they
occured on specific xml files)
- showing the directory path of a occurence within search results so that I
might now which one of the 1001 index.cfm's in the results belongs to which
- step into, just like Eclipse has on folders
- enabling selection and printing of the reference inside DW
- fixing the lookup of selections on search
- split code view, like cfstudio had
- breakdown of cfc's in a project

If they at least payed attention to the treeview they have a buyer, but I
hope they improve the support of the product. I don't understand why there
haven't been released more updaters for DWMX 2004. I hope they pay more
attention to existing customers :)


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