I wrote an article on CFC best practices that might be helpful:


On 8/29/05, Dave Carabetta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/29/05, Burns, John D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm getting ready to start a new app and there are some things I've
> > learned from other apps that I'm going to implement into this app as far
> > as CFCs go. I saw the thread concerning the THIS scope which helped to
> > get some different people's takes on its use. I was wondering if anyone
> > else would like to post personal or recognized best practices.  I am
> > especially interested in scoping instances of components. I always have
> > a hard time deciding which scopy to put instances of CFCs into for
> > different purposes and which kinds of methods I should have in each.
> > Sometimes, I've overloaded the application scope and end up locking my
> > application to death for almost everything, but then other times, I
> > think I put stuff in session that belongs in application. Any advice
> > would be appreciated, as well as any other best practices that you'd
> > care to share. I'm always willing to learn. Thanks.
> >
> Your best bet is to search the archives of this list. This topic gets
> beaten to death every month or two and you'll find a wealth of
> information in past threads that you can choose to apply or not apply
> to your development cycle. What you'll find is that "best practices"
> is a very subjective theme, with only a few truly necessary "must-dos"
> (i.e., var scoping local variables, including query names). As for
> what scope you store component instances in, how they're called, etc.,
> that's all up to you and nobody is going to chime in with a "you must
> do it this way or it's incorrect" answer for you. Sorry it's a bit
> gray, but that's just the reality.
> Regards,
> Dave.

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