If possible, create a datasource in an SQL server and switch to that.  That 
would at least get you up and running until you can clean the registry.


--- On Monday, August 29, 2005 3:12 PM, Scott Wolf scribed: ---
> It appears that one of my machines has been set for the last couple of
> years to keep client variables in the registry and now the registry is
> 217 MB.  I've tried to delete the variables but I keep getting an
> error message that there is not enough space to create a registry log.
> Because of this problem, I also cannot create new user accounts on the
> machine due to "insufficient system resources" errors.  Does anyone
> have 
> any suggestions as to what can be done in order to solve this?  Any
> help 
> would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
> Scott Wolf | Network Administrator | GravityFree
> 1960 Stickney Point Road | Second Floor
> Sarasota | FL | 34231 | 800.207.4431
> 941.927.7674 | f 941.923.5429
> www.GravityFree.com <blocked::http://www.gravityfree.com/>
> "2003 TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OF THE YEAR" - Sarasota County Committee for
> Economic Development
> "2001 YOUNG BUSINESS OF THE YEAR" - Greater Sarasota Chamber of
> Commerce 
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