Thanks Dan, good info. I agree, the less time spent getting it set up the 
better, and if it provides the peace of mind your environment calls for, 
sounds like a good choice. I have a few more questions but will check out 
the site or email you directly.


On 8/30/05, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan,
> >Not me, but I am going to check that out as I have the exact same 
> scenario.
> >Will go along good with the easy2sync software I use to keep my outlook
> >files syncronized between laptop and desktop.
> I've actually got an inquiry in with Mirra asking about the exact 
> technique
> used in the realtime backup/sync process.
> I read in one review that the new version uses Windows Shadow Copy as the
> underlying technique for making the realtime backups and syncs (although 
> the
> server itself is Linux based.) This means that when a file changes, only 
> the
> blocks that have changed should be sent to the server--not the entire 
> file.
> However, another review I read said it transfers the entire file (but I
> think they based that on the original version of the servers--which I 
> think
> may have transferred the entire file.)
> The only real CON I've seen w/the Mirra product is that it will not backup
> system files like the pagefile.sys, registry, etc. This really doesn't
> bother me all that much, as typically I only care about the data--I can
> always reconfigure my applications in event of a colossal failure.
> However, you could always do a backup to disk of your OS files and then
> store that on a drive that Mirra would backup.
> Anyway, I'm trying to decide if it make more since to just buy the Mirra
> product, or buy a File Server and configure it to do similar tasks. The
> Mirra solution looks pretty straightforward and simple and I know doing it
> using shareware tools would take some work and time.
> -Dan

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