I don't think I did the best job explaining it.  My approach is 
definately not the standard setup.  The key here is abstraction; 
abstracting any group membership checks from templates.  I'll try and 
lay it out a bit more simply:

Now, let's say you have one single template called message.cfm, and it 
can perform 4 actions: read, post, edit, delete.  How that template 
knows what action to perform is based on the URL attribute passed (i.e. 
message.cfm?action=edit) - nothing special here.

Now, the standard setup that I've seen goes as following: Most 
applications might have 3 user levels, admin, moderator, user.  So, 
there will be a check in the processing portion of the message.cfm 
template that checks to see if the user has access to perform that action.

So you have something like the following somewhere in the template:

retrieve userlevel

if userlevel=admin
if userlevel=moderator
if userlevel=user

if URL.action=delete & allowedtodelete
   delete message
end if

Obviously this might not be the best example, but I think it should 
illustrate my point.  So, based on whatever group the user is a member 
of, they'll be able to perform certain actions in the template message.cfm.

What I don't like about the example above is that I had to hard-code 
those checks in the template - in other words, I am explicitly coding 
admin, moderator, and user into the file.  What happens if I decide I 
want to add a super-moderator level to the whole application?  Now I 
need to go into every file and update the processing section to include 
super-moderator; that could be very time-intensive.

Now here's my solution.  I want to abstract any group checking 
processing from the templates.  The template shouldn't "care" about 
group names or users or what not, it just needs to know if it's allowed 
to do something.  So, take the same example as above but rewrite it:

<cf_securitycheck actions="delete,edit,post,read">

if url.action=delete & caller.actiondelete
   delete message
end if

Here's what happens: A user calls message.cfm?action=delete.  The 
cf_securitycheck tag checks to see if the user is logged in.  If the 
user is logged in, it then looks up the actions stored in the database 
for message.cfm (lets assume the file has previously been registered in 
the database and permissions have already been set).  The simplified 
relational tables may look like this:

FILE            ACTIONS         GROUPS
message.cfm     read            users, admins, mods
message.cfm     post            users, admins, mods
message.cfm     delete          admins
message.cfm     edit            admins, mods

It looks in the database to see if the groups that the user is a member 
of have access to any of those actions.  Then, any of the actions that 
the user is entitled to, it sets a variable to TRUE that the message.cfm 
template can see using the caller scope (i.e. cfset 

So, let's say the user is a member of mods, it will return three 
variables set to TRUE to message.cfm: caller.actionread, 
caller.actionpost, and caller.actionedit.

Now all you need to do in message.cfm is do a check to see if any of 
those variables were set to true and perform processing accordingly. 
Obviously it's somewhat complicated, and probably really database 
intensive, but it nicely abstracts any user processing from the end 
template (message.cfm in my example).

This idea is purely theoretical right now as I haven't figured out all 
of the nitty gritty details.  I might end up scrapping the idea because 
it is so database intensive, but I will still give it a try.  For my 
application I may be adding and removing groups throughout the life of 
the application and I don't want to be adding group checks into the 
processing sections of the templates.

So does that make any sense at all?

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