Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your rates
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to get
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members are).

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between competitors
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a group of
people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
price fixing.

For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
visit the following locations:

Another good FAQ
How to Set Rates FAQ
The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion lists.
However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild policies.
(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this FAQ
is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to do
so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the actual
rates of any particular web developer.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

-----Original Message-----
From: paul smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: National Radio Commercial

Oh, good grief!  Not this old urban legend again.
Our fees are posted on our website at www.support.net
Haven't heard from the feds yet!

best,  paul

At 04:57 PM 9/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open forum
>like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the internet.

Paul Smith, Web/Database Droid
A: SupportNet, Inc, 3871 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611
    (There, there, there; there's, there, there....)
P: (510) 763-2358
C: (510) 205-6755
F: (510) 763-2370
W: http://www.support.net

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