I am stuck on this issue and need help.

It seems that <cfobject type="java"...> does not work for me at all.
Whenever I try to run this command the ColdFusion server just hangs
and the browser keeps waiting for any result. I have tried several
different types of java objects, and the result is the same - the box

<cfobject type="java" name="sys" class="java.lang.System"
action="create"><cfset properties=sys.getProperties()><cfdump


 <cfobject type="JAVA" action="Create" name="factory"
class="coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory"><CFdump var="#factory#">

Running CFMX 7 Enterprise Edition on Windows 2000 and Apach 2.0.48.
Java version is   1.4.2_05-b04. Can anyone help? Same code runs fine
on CFMX7/Developers' edition and CFMX7 Standard.


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