I have just tried changing the address of the form to see if throws the 
spammer off

Mike Kear wrote:

>I had one of these too. As far as I could tell, it was an automated process 
>to harvest the email addresses where forms send back a confirmation or 
>thanks by email.
> In my case, the spammer was filling out the same information in every 
>field, so all I did was change the action page so that if field1 = field2 = 
>field3 = field4, it just gave a 'thanks' page on the site, sent no email out 
>and dumped the results. The problem went away then. I dont know if the 
>spammer still has his computer pointed at my client's site or not. 
> Cheers
>Mike Kear
>Windsor, NSW, Australia
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>AFP Webworks
>ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> hosting from AUD$15/month 
> On 9/14/05, Mickael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>One of my clients is getting bombarded by some jerk, connection to a
>>form on his webpage and filling out the fields with junk and submitting
>>the forms. What can I do to prevent a computer from filling out my
>>forms. I don't really want to use that crazy jumbled image where to you
>>type in the letters you see.
>>Any advise?

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