I think this is close enough to stay on list.  From the mod_rewrite
docs: "You can prefix the pattern string with a '!' character
(exclamation mark) to specify a non-matching pattern."  No idea if the
IIS version is the same, but give that a go.


On 9/20/05, Burns, John D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone else is using this to do url rewriting. I'm
> having a regex problem and would like to see if anyone can help me but
> I'd like to take it off list since it's not directly CF related. Anyone
> who's good at regex or has experience with Mod_Rewrite and would be
> willing to offer some help, please contact me off list.  If you don't
> know or don't care, please disregard and let the thread die. My question
> is as follows for anyone who might be able to help.
> Mod_rewrite allows a line as follows:
> RewriteCond HTTP_REFERER site1.com
> RewriteRule .jpg /denied.htm
> Basically, if someone's requesting a .jpg from your server and the
> referer is a given site, redirect them to another page. What I want to
> do is force this to happen for all referers that are not the site I
> list. I know this seems quite trivial and I'm sure it's simple, I just
> can't seem to figure it out.  how would I do something like:
> RewriteCond HTTP_REFERER NOT mysite.com
> RewriteRule .jpg /denied.htm
> I'm just not sure how to do the "NOT" part. Anyone care to help? Thanks!
> John Burns
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
> Wyle Laboratories, Inc. | Web Developer

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