What if you specify a filename to upload into with the CFFILE tag,
rather than just a directory?  I haven't run into the problem myself,
but that might alleviate it.


On 9/26/05, Daniel Mackey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have just run into something weird and I was wondering if anybody
> could shed some light. Not sure if it is a CF6.1 problem, CF6.1/7 or an
> underlying Java problem.
> If I try any CFFILE operation on a file that has 2 sequential spaces in
> the file name, CFFILE fails. Windows does not have this problem but CF
> does. So when a user uploads a file with 2 spaces such as "My  File.gif"
> I cant work with it. Cant rename, delete etc
> Anybody else notice this?
> Dan.

Barney Boisvert

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