Hello Raymond... I am trying to integrate your Galleon forum into one of
my site (MSSQL)... quick question related to this topic... are these
role values in a table?  If so, what table?

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 7:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Forums w/external authentication

If you are using CF's roles based security, you could easily do it
with Galleon, my forums product. (ray.camdenfamily.com, my tools pod
on the right to download or see online example). My docs don't cover
this, but you would just need to make sure your users end up wiht a
Role value that works in Galleon.

On 10/14/05, Marty Johll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking at ways of integrating a forum into my site without having
> have users login a second time into the forums. I curious if anyone
> integrated a CF-based forum into their site that integrated your
> authentication?
> For example, fusetalk has the capacity to choose between local or
> authentication and one may edit a login.cfm file to put one's own
> authentication in place and then set some variables based on your
> (or cookie) variables. I tried installing fusetalk but I'm getting
> errors and have questions into them, but while I'm waiting I thought
I'd see
> what other may have done.
> Thanks,
> Marty

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