> I'm wrapping some cftry/catchs around my cffiles
> and cfquerys. It works pretty sweet if I use
> just an empty catch. 

Hi Will, what is sweet about it, exactly?  If your code is generating an
error, it means one of several things:

1. Your code has errors.
2. Your user is giving your code input that you didn't anticipate.
3. There is an external problems, like a database being unavailable.

Ignoring those errors and allowing the page to continue is probably a Bad
Idea(tm) in most cases.  There are cases where a try/catch block is
warranted, so long as it's used properly.  I would advocate a site-wide
exception handler instead of just wrapping a try/catch block around

You can do this in the Application.cfm file with the CFERROR tag.  Point it
to an error handler that will display a friendly "we're sorry, but there was
an error" display, and then e-mail all of the error information, the URL the
user called, and possibly a CFDUMP of the various variable scopes to aid in
correcting the problem.

Your goal should be to never receive one of these error reports, and to
promptly correct problems that the handler does report so that your users
will have the best possible experience on your web sites.

-Justin Scott

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