> From: Mark Fuqua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Can anyone explain to me what type of join is created when 
> the join is done with the WHERE clause as opposed to the FROM 
> clause in a sql statement.
> What are the advantages the joins in the FROM clause.
> I know it is because I am still very green but I find WHERE 
> clause joins much easier to write.

Joins performed in the FROM clause are known as ANSI joins (ANSI-92 is the
standard). Joins performed in the WHERE clause are known as traditional

ANSI style joins are the preferred method as they come from a standard that
can be supported across many database platforms, assuming the platform
supports ANSI-92. Some of the benefits of the ANSI style joins are:

// start: taken from

Intuitive: The ANSI syntax uses specific, intuitive keywords to describe the
exact operations to be performed while the sets of data are being joined.
Distinctive: Since the new ANSI syntax is quite different from the
traditional join method, it is immediately obvious which sets of data have
been joined and what the relationships are. It is no longer necessary to
untangle a complex set of selection criteria to determine which are
join-related and which are merely filtering the final result set. 
Clarity: I have had to work with several different dialects of SQL over the
past several years, including Informix, Sybase, DB2, and Access, and the
syntax for outer joins is slightly different for each dialect. The ANSI
syntax, however, leaves no doubt as to which "side" of the join is the
More powerful: The new FULL OUTER JOIN syntax can be used in place of a
UNION without fear of forgetting the difference between UNION and UNION ALL.

// end

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