Hello All,

I have a problem with an app that I inherited that was not working properly.   
The database is MySQL but they want to convert it to a new database after 
extracting the old data.  I do not have much experience with MySQL and I am 
stumped with one field that they have in the database. 

When I view the database via PHPMyAdmin I see that the field in question has a 
type of Blob with an Attribute of Binary.  This field as per the site is 
supposed to house text longer than a few character so similar to the memo type 
in Access.  When I browse the database throught the MyAdmin it says the the 
contents of the field are [BLOB - 1 Bytes] or [BLOB - 20 Bytes]

How do I extract that information from the as the raw text from this type of 
field?  I bought a MySQL to MSAccess converter and does the trick no problem 
expect for this field.

Any Ideas?



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