This is my personal opinion so i don't mean to offend anyone

Designing A Web Site
for some reason the first word always gets cut off: DESIGNING

I cant agree with going by a price per page sort of method (ie $75 per page
with x number of images, $150 per page with x + 5 number of images). If
someone is hired to design a web page they are not hired to do a bunch of
<img src = "logo.gif"> then go to and call it a day. To me, that
is not designing.

Designing is creating a reflection on how what the customer feels they want
their image to be. This has nothing to do with the number of images that
will be there, it has to do with how complex they want their site to be,
what meaning they want to get accrose, type faces, color combinations, image
textures (feelings), thumbnails, rough drafts, marker renderings, !!!.

Once all that is done you can figure out how LONG it will take to build and
then charge it at an hourly rate.

I prefer to take my work and break it down into an hourly rate like this:

#1 Assesment of web site 20 - 60 hrs 
(this involves checking out the current status of the web site there, what
isp owns it, what they support, will you need to make changes to this,
getting the ftp username/password, contacting old graphic design company for
ai formatted logo etc.)

#2 Pre-design phase 5 - 40 hrs
Taking all the pages that will be needed and putting them on a heirarchy to
show the customer exactily how many pages there are and the number of pages
"deep" a person can get

and so on...

Give them a final estimated quote (that may change do to unseen
circumstances) ask for 25 - 50% upfront and start working. Give them a
spreadsheet every friday(or monday, or saturday, or whenever) that shows the
# of hours you have worked and what you have done. Give the customer a call
once a week also to see if they have any more questions, additional things.
Always keep in contact with them

This is a method, so it is not the "correct" method. Find something that
works for you. Charge an hourly rate that is competitive, but never
undersell yourself. This method is what I personally do, and so do my
friends/coworkers that have side work as graphic designers.

To a company with more then 75 people $5,000 to $10,000 is nothing, they can
afford that in a second. Do NOT undersell yourself unless:

a) you need it for the portfolio
b) your mom owns the company

like i said this is just the way i do it, have been for awhile *shrug*
doesn't make it right or anything
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