> > the CF page response time went down significantly
> > because it no longer had to wait so long for the
> > SQL server to process the queries.

After re-reading this line I think it may have been confusing.  What I meant
was that the response time in ms went down, so the pages got a lot faster.

> And what about the security factor? I've always been
> under the assumption that if your CF only had access
> to run SPs you were safer from SQL injection.

I would agree with that, but you can be just as safe with inline SQL if you
scrub the variables properly.  I've seen people scream in horror over a
query like this...

WHERE id = #url.id#

....Until I point out...

<cfset url.id = abs(val(trim(url.id)))>

....As part of the scrubbing routine.  Guarantees a positive integer value,
and passes in 0 if it's a string.  It's not the best way, but for small
sites it's quick, easy, and pretty safe.  CFQUERYPARAM would help also.
Unfortunately some people are still using access databases, and don't have
the luxury of stored procedures.  I use SQL Server myself, and sp's where
needed.  I'm not a zealot one way or the other on what is used.  Depends on
the situation.

-Justin Scott

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