Why does it matter if someone already viewed the article?  If you are going
to remove historical data anyway, after 14 hours, what does it matter if the
person visited 2 hours later or 15 hours later.  What about people using
proxy servers, you may be blocking out unique views.

I think I would axe that, add a column to the article table called views.
Create a stored proc or query that selects the article and then does an
update.  Update article_table set views = views + 1.  Or something like

Then no need to worry about space and scheduling a delete.

-----Original Message-----
From: Saturday (Stuart Kidd) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Finding top ranked articles

Hi guys,

Late last night in a matter of moments I found myself creating a  
table called tbl_020articleTopRanked .  The idea was to do something  
similar to news stories where they display their 5 top-viewed  
articles (like at SMH: http://www.smh.com.au - at the bottom end of  
the page).

So in my creation I created this table and put 4 fields there,  
topRankedID (PK - incrementing), articleID (ID of the article which  
has just been viewed), dateViewed (when it was viewed) and lastly  
ipAddress (client's IP address).

Each time the page gets viewed a check is made to see whether this IP  
has already viewed the page in the last few hours.  If they have then  
an insert doesn't happen but if they haven't then a record is inserted.

It all works fine and I'm very happy, but i'm just trying to work out  
the best way to work out what are the top viewed pages in the last 12  
hours.  I also will create a script to delete, say, all inserts over  
14 hours old so that i'm not using too much MS-SQL space (this i'll  
do as a CFSCHEDULE or get the hosting company to set up a schedule to  
run that script.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.



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