I did remove the timeout, actually that is what allowed me to get as much as
what I am getting. This is how the process is done right now and it is ugly.
 Query LDAP for the letter, if I know it has more than 3250 records I then
split it down to multiple queries such as A into AA, AB, AC, etc. Go through
the records and do changes where needed such as stripping out first and last
names into separate variables. Plug these into an array and when it gets to
a count of 75 then shoot that to a web service which inserts them. Then
trigger the java garbage collector and continue with loop.
 Surprisingly that method works, but in CF5 it was much more simple. We just
queried LDAP, did what ever stripping we needed done then inserted the
 Before we did the web service we found that as it did more and more
inserts(either through a cfquery or a SP) the page would eat up more and
more of the server resources until it would just crash. It still ate up
resources so then found out about the garbage collector and that made it run
fine, tried removing the web service from the mix at that point but brought
us back to problems so left it. Then when we reached this point started to
notice the numbers between Dev(CF6.1) and Prod(CF5) were off by a large
amount. Began to run tests and found that CFLDAP would not return more than
around 3500-3600 records when using CF6.1
 I do not agree at all in even using CF for this process. However this was
in use long before I was hired on and many projects rely on it running
correctly every night. Managements solution has been just leave it on CF5

 On 11/10/05, Dawson, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron, try removing the TIMEOUT attribute from your CFLDAP tag. That
> has been known to cause these exact problems.
> I think these problems began with MX.
> M!ke

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