> Here is my delima. Our application used to call a com object via an .
> asp page. Now we have rewritten it to call the object via a .cfm page. 
> The program takes information submitted online and makes a text file 
> that is then sent to 1 of 6 report servers to produce the information 
> via an online report. Now whenever the program is called, only one 
> instance can run at a time, therefore making 5 of the report servers 
> non functional. Is there any reason why making the call via .cfm 
> instead of an .asp page would cause only one instance (thread) of the 
> com object to run at a 

We have figured out the problem. This information was very helpful. "If you are 
planning to store a reference to the COM object in the Application, Session, or 
Server scope, do not use the Apartment threading model. This threading model is 
intended to service only a single request. If your application requires you to 
store the object in any of these scopes, keep the object in the Both threading 
model, and lock all code that accesses the object, as described in Locking code 
with cflock." Our com object was set to Apartment and not Both. After this 
change we were good to go. Thanks.

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