one mistake i first made when i was freelancing was looking at a job for
$1,000 and thinking "woah, that's not bad money"


Lets say you do a project for $1
Take out social security %15
Take out federal income %30

So you really only make .55 out of every dollar

what you can do to avoide the federal income (this is lega)
is to put the money you earn back into your business

for example, i'm making an extra $4,000 this month from a project,
with that money i'm taking out %15 in SS because i have to
and turning around and purchasing a $3,400 computer with the rest

since the computer is for my business i don't have to pay
Federal Income for the $3,400.

Otherwise, if you want to freelance and actually make money... that sounds
funny ;)

you'd have to charge double what you want to earn. So to do a job you want
to make $1000 off of it, charge for $2,000.

Yup, the gov just rakes small businesses...
I'm pretty sure this is accurate, at least this is what a vp of a bank told
So if anyone knows any better please correct me

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