
I changed the default location of the log files, so went to jrun.xml to
change the "filename" attribute as follows:
F:/logs/CF/{jrun.server.name}-{log.level}-event.log (this also splits the
log files for each type of event).

This works as expected, BUT I still have the server writing "default-err.log"
and "default-out.log" in C:\CFusionMX\runtime\logs ... Duplicate entries, as
they are a collection of each of the entries of each separate log file I
configured ...

I then noticed that the registry has also 2 keys defined for log file
location of the CF server service: SystemErr and SystemOut. This is probably
what I need to deal with, but didn't find much info about it.

Does anybody know how to deal with this kind of eccentricity? Delete the
keys? Null them?

(We are running CFMX 6.1, Entreprise, non J2EE deployment)


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