On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Jennifer Gavin-Wear wrote:

> lol .. small furry muppet ..
> I'd never heard of it either :-/

Ditto. Seems to be essentially a competitor for paypal from what I  
read on the website. Nice to see paypal hasn't completely squashed  
any competition. (Because they could definitely use someone to light  
a fire under them in terms of professionalism.)


> it happens to be https://www.emocorp.com/
> A merchant account thingy whatsit.
> The job is to make some (very) minor web site changes and then  
> integrate
> with EMO for on line payment.
> The client is offering $200, but might pay a little more.  I'm not  
> looking
> for anything out of it.
> It doesn't look very complicated but I'm up to my eyeballs in other  
> stuff.
> Any takers?
> Jenny

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