Hey guys,

Would those of you that are using my qbrowser on cf 7 check something
out for me?

When you execute a query using the qbrowser on cf 7, it takes the
results attribute and then uses it to display the execution time of
the query when it shows the results.  But if you turn on debugging,
the time that is reported by the results attribute is not the same as
the time value in the sql queries section of the debugging. 
Oftentimes the debug shows a time that is much faster (less ms) than
the results attribute reports, but it generally seems like the results
attribute is more accurate, although I really have no idea which to

My questions I guess are this:

Does anyone else see this same thing?

Why are the times different?  I would figure that the two should
actually be comming from the same code, but apparently not.

Which one is accurate, or more accurate, and why is the other not accurate?

Is there a way to get execution time that the debugging template reports?

Ryan Guill
(270) 217.2399
got google talk?  Chat me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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