Just out of curiosity... can a frame trigger a js event in another frame?

Just curious since I still refuse to use one :)

ThatÂ’s the second time someone has mentioned 'harder' or 'more trouble'.
Come on people... it's not brick work... it's programming. Nothing about it
is 'hard' or 'troubling'

Nice PSP analogy though ;)

I've got a nice method with httprequest on a timed trigger now. It works
Bobby Hartsfield

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:03 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Keeping a session alive


>1) I absolutely REFUSE to use a frame or Iframe whatsoever.

Then you like making life hard. ;) While an frame would be the most
compatible, and IFRAME should really work in every modern browser (doesn't
work in Netscape 4, but if you need that you could use an ILAYER tag for

Seriously, an IFRAME would be the best way to go.

>2) It wouldn't allow for seamlessly 'alerting' the user about a session
>that I might not be able to 'reset' and keep alive.

Sure it would. Just have the IFRAME refresh itself:

-- keepyoursessionalive.cfm --
<cfset iRefreshInSeconds = 600 />

<meta http-equiv="refresh"
content="<cfoutput>#iRefreshInSeconds#</cfoutput>" />

<cfif structKeyExists(session, "someSessionVarThatShouldExist")>
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Your session has expired.");



>3) too easy. Lol

While I can probably hammer in a nail using my PSP, I'd prefer using a
hammer. I know the hammer will work. The PSP will probably work, but I'm
just as likely to break my PS as I am to hammer in the nail.

- Dan

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