I'm pretty sure that is what I meant with my "bridge" design.  I, like 
you, think that's my only choice in this situation.  I just hate having 
to deal with the two extra tables.  This app was very lean and mean, and 
this just makes it harder to maintain, IMO.

I was always taught to avoid bridge (or cross ref) tables, because it 
usually meant that you designed your data structure poorly.  I 
understand that it's unavoidable in some cases, I was hoping that wasn't 
the case here.

Kiley Simpson wrote:
> Can you have the following tables
>    PROP_ID
> PROP_TYPE_XREF <- This just has the unique id's from the 2 above tables.
>    PROP_ID
> with this you can have unlimited property types per property.
> At 10:19 PM 12/6/2005, you wrote:
>>So - I have a real estate listings table, and my client wants to add a
>>"property type" field to each listing, such as "golf home", "ski home",
>>"village home", "mountain condo" etc to each of the listings.  This
>>"field" will then be used in a quick search set of links that will be
>>clickable on each page as an alternative to using the full search
>>capability.   The problem I am having is how to add this "field" to the
>>listings table, because a listing can be more than one property type,
>>ie, a "golf home" in the summer is also a "ski home" in the winter, etc.
>>  (It's a resort town)  Now I think I've got a many to many
>>relationship, and I want out.
>>My first thought was to just input the types into a comma delimited list
>>and store that in a prop_type field in the listings table, but that is
>>just plain ugly to work with, search from, will slow down my pages, etc.
>>I then went to a bridge table design, using a prop_type table with an
>>prop_type_ID and prop_type_name, then using a bridge table to link the
>>three tables together (prop_type_FK, listing_FK, ID)  but that'll be a
>>nightmare to maintain in the future.
>>I'm out of ideas.  Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
>>Am I stuck?
>>MySQL 4.x DB, BTW.

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