You could also cache the query that the charts are generated from if
it is just the data you want to preserve.

On 12/13/05, Adrian Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can write them to disk and do logic when displaying them.
> Ade
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 13 December 2005 14:49
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFCHART and caching
> Hey folks, quick question -
> Haven't used CFCHART much in the past.  I've got a small number of charts
> that I'd like to cache for a long period of time (hours or days).  During
> that time I do NOT want those charts to be regenerated (because they are
> generated based on data that may have since changed and because the runtime
> of the queries involved are expensive).  I want to be guaranteed that the
> charts are generated precisely once.
> In CFIDE, "You can specify the maximum number of charts to store in the
> cache. After the cache is full, if a new chart is generated, then the oldest
> chart in the cache will be discarded. Caching of charts allows multiple
> requests for the same chart to be much faster, as the chart is only
> generated once."
> So that doesn't solve the problem, because the long-duration charts will
> still be bumped out of the cache if many other newer charts are generated.
> Anyone got any ideas about how to save these charts for however long I want?
> Are there any custom tags that will copy the cached file of a chart over to
> another location with a file name of your choice where it will persist for
> as long as you want as an image?
> Thanks,
> Terry

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