I have never tried to add MAXROWS to an CFOUTPUT 
Statement of a Group before, so I am not use it
Can be done, however the only other way I can 
Think of is by creating your own counter and increment
It by 1 each time until you get the desired number
Of records.

<CFSET grpCounter = 0>
   <CFSET grpCounter = grpCounter + 1>
   <CFIF grpCounter LTE desiredCount>


-----Original Message-----
From: Nomad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Group Query help.

How do I limit the number of rows returned per group in a grouped query.
My query:
Select pid, Details, Brand  from Products group by brand order by price

This query returns:

pid                     Details                 Brand
1                        abcd                    Macromedia
2                        efgh                     Macromedia
3                        efgh                     Corel
4                        abcf                     Corel
5                        errer                    Adobe

etc etc.

What I want to achieve is to limit the max number of rows returned per group
to say 5.
So if there are 10 Macromedia products in my db only 5 rows would show up.
Please note that my aim is not to limit the total number of rows returned
with a Top statement or similar.

Thanks in advance.


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