> I want a framework that allows for multiple directories instead of the
> entire site running under a index.cfm file in the site root.

Any framework should do that, because no framework should be even
remotely bound to the URLs used for the app.  With FB3, you'd skip
XFAs (replacing them with another abstract representation - the
inverse of the stuff I'll illustrate below), and instead of running
index.cfm?fuseaction... style urls, you'd run circuit/fuseaction.cfm
style urls (which you'd use mod_rewrite to transform into the first
type), or whatever.  Or even dir/name.cfm urls, where that template
hard codes a fuseaction and any other params.  Or a combination of the

So the domain.com/products/neat_toy_with_batteries.cfm template might
look like this:

<cfset url.fuseaction  = "products.detail" />
<cfset url.productID = 23423 />
<cfinclude template="../index.cfm" />

Obviously you'd generate all those templates from your database, not
manually code them, but you get the idea.

I'd still prefer a URL rewriting method though.  In that case, you'd
set up a lookup table that translates the path
"/productes/neat_toy_with_batteries.html" into
"/index.cfm?fuseaction=products.detail&productID=23423" using a
rewrite map (which is again generated from your DB).  That leaves the
application itself just doing the application, and the URL to
filesystem translation to the web server, which is where it belongs. 
It also lets you restructure your URL space without affecting the
application at all.

Of course, that's not going to help you with your coding style, just
your URLs, but if you ask me, there's generally no good reason to ever
use query strings on public-facing URLs.  And these techniques work
equally well for any application written with pretty much any
framework (or no framework at all).


On 12/23/05, Phill B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want a framework that allows for multiple directories instead of the
> entire site running under a index.cfm file in the site root. Anyone
> know of a framework like this?
> I modified fusebox 3 to do this but I want to move from FB3 to more of
> an MVC framework.
> --
> Phil

Barney Boisvert

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