Hello All,

I have an app where users can upload files to their respective folders, the 
folders are created dynaically when a user is created in my app.  I was using 
CFFILE to upload the files to the file system but the size of the files that 
you can upload is not very large.  There is a reqirment to have the users 
upload larger files.  Obviously FTP would be ideal for this, I could very 
easily create an FTP user with only write permissions and give the user a link 
like <a href="ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" target="_blank">UploadFile</a> 
and have the users upload a file to a generic folder but my client wants each 
client to have their own desitnation folder.  This site is on a share host so I 
don't think that I can create FTP users programitically.

Is there a way to user CFFTP or another proces to get a large file from a user 
to a specific folder that was created dynamically?

Or another suggestion is to have one generic folder for uploads then have CF 
poll that folder and move it to the right directory, but I do not know how tell 
if a file is complete or how to connect it to a user's session.

Is what I am asking possible?


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