Hi, all.  I've been just an observer on this very interesting thread,
with little to contribute in favor of either idea.  However, in reading
through the 73 (!) posts I had not yet seen when I came in today,
something striking occurred to me.  

I saw the two camps as "Keep display code separate from application code
(i.e., no HTML in Application.cfm)" and "Mix as necessary".  I
understand very well the instinct of the latter camp in asking questions
like, "Yeah, okay, but *why not* mix them?" because I have remnants of
that instinct myself: from about six weeks ago before I took a Java
programming course that was heavy on straight OOP theory as well as the
Java specifics themselves.  After realizing this, I saw that just about
every e-mail I read came out like this:

If is was from the "mix as necessary" camp, I felt my instincts from six
weeks ago kick in.

If it was from the "keep display code separate from application code"
camp, I felt my new feelings kick in.  

Why do I bother writing this?  Well, I think it is interesting to note
that what really changed my mind on this was immersion in a fully OO
environment.  I would guess that those of us (myself very much included)
who have treated ColdFusion as a purely procedural language are more
likely to "mix as necessary".  But once you've tasted OO, doing such
starts to turn the stomach.  Because of some silly ups and downs, I may
never directly use the Java training that I got, but even if I never do,
I suspect that it will make me a much better ColdFusion developer.  

For those of you who--like me a few weeks ago--have not checked out OO,
I strongly recommend you do some reading.  There is a stunningly good (I
say stunningly good because it is completely free) ground-up
introduction to programming that uses Java as its language and focuses
on OO available at:


Just the ramblings of an observer.


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