> No but you can help and thats the point, its pretty
> pathic when there are thousands of ppl on the list
> and there are like 3 ppl who volunteered to help.

I watched in horror when the initial discussions about this were popping up
a few months ago.  In my experience, trying to START a project like this as
a community effort will lead to disaster.  Many people will have great
ideas, some will commit to helping, and some of those will back out as they
realize that their time is better spent doing other things.

The ones that remain will generally bitch about the ones that left and
commit further to finish a project anyway.  Unfortunately, the next step is
usually disagreement over what features to include, what framework will be
used, coding standards, what will determine when the first release is
finished, etc.  Because of all the disagreements and ego contests, nothing
gets done, and the project falls apart.

If you REALLY want an open-source shopping cart in CF, someone, one person,
will just need buckle down and write a feature set, decide on a framework,
and CODE MOST OF IT OUT.  Write the base code to a point where it's at least
somewhat functional.  That means it supports basic features, supports one or
two common payment gateways, has basic shipping calculations, maybe e-gift
cards or coupons, etc.

Then, take that code and start a community project.  Throw that base at the
community and people will be much more likely to step in and flesh it out.
The hard part will be done.  Someone who uses a particular payment gateway
may be fine with submitting code for that gateway and spending a day
integrating it, but maybe they're not willing to spend several days or weeks
chasing arguments over frameworks.

If one person has the time and smarts to write a decent, flexible, scalable
framework, the community will be far more likely to step up and plug stuff
into it.  I'm not the person to do that right now because of my work load,
but that's what I believe will need to happen if this idea is ever going to
see a release.

Just my $0.02 on the matter.

-Justin Scott

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